Vegan Essential Oil Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies

CHOCOLATE! Every woman’s pure bliss! Am I right? I have been searching near and far for the best vegan chocolate chip cookies for months now and I have finally found it. I’ve tried at least 5 different recipes and they were all mediocre at best. They always came out somewhat cakey and I was looking…

You’re An Imperfect Mom…..And That’s OK

You’re a mom now!! Yay! All the feels comes with parenthood; happiness, excitement, nervousness, scared to death, curious, LOVE, anxiousness, questioning whether you’re doing this right. It is totally normal. At least that’s what I tell myself! You are experiencing a whole other part of life once that special boy or girl cries their first…

Cooking with Essential Oils

When I think of cooking, for some reason, my mind goes to the holidays; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July and so many more remind me of all the feels. The turkey in the oven and pies baking; the smell of green bean casserole, BBQ on the grill, wine being passed around or cold beers on…

The Beginning of Your Oily Journey

  Why do you need Essential oils in your life? Why should you start? How do you get them into your home and into your body to help assist you every day? All great questions! Let’s start with the “why”. Essential oils carry such a high concentration of oxygen. As a result, they produce in…

Ditch and Switch

  What the heck are we talking about? Ditching what and switching to whom? Well, what a great question!! Here’s the answer……………EVERYTHING!! Have you ever really looked at the ingredients on some of the things you use in your home; for example, your cleaning products? Do me a favor, go under your kitchen sink or…

Seedlings Line

Babies!! Those cute little snuggly bundles of joy bring you such happiness and love! I am a new mother of a beautiful 10-month-old boy. He is my everything and my whole life changed when he was born. So, with that came all the fears, questions and concerns of becoming not only a mom but a…